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Elster (ABB / Honeywell)

 Elster A1800 ALPHA 电能表 (ABB A1600电能表)ElsterMetering是全球闻名的研发和生产表计及抄表系统的公司,其服务同样享誉全球。



ABB(2002)- Elster(2015)-Honeywell(2016-)


about ELSTER

Elster is a world leader in providing accurate measurement and sophisticated communications and data solutions for gas, electricity and water customers in more than 130 countries. With one of the most extensive installed revenue measurement bases in the world and more than 200 million metering devices deployed over the last 10 years alone, Elster's complete range of innovative end-to-end solutions enables utilities and consumers to effectively manage natural resources across an integrated network, activating a vital connection between technology and communities.


We are a leading global provider of gas, electricity and water meters and related communications, networking and software solutions.  

Elster Group GmbH employs more than 7,000 staff and operates in more than 39 countries. Our diverse portfolio of products and solutions are used to accurately and reliably measure gas, electricity and water consumption as well as enable energy efficiency and conservation.  

We sell our products and solutions to utilities, distributors and industrial customers across gas, electricity, water and multi-utility organizations for use in residential and commercial and industrial settings. Our customers operate in more than 130 countries and include numerous large, medium and small utilities.

Elster Group is headquartered in Mainz-Kastel, Germany.

Elster Group GmbH
Steinern Strasse 19-21
55252 Mainz-Kastel
T: +49 6134 605 0


Our company traces its roots to the earliest days of the metering industry.  Elster American Meter was founded in New York in 1836 and was an early producer of gas meters in the United States. In Europe, our history also dates back to the nineteenth century; Elster Meters was founded in 1848 and Elster Kromschröder was founded in 1865.

1836 American Meter Company (AMCO) founded in New York

1848 Elster Meters founded in Berlin

1865 G. Kromschröder AG established in Osnabrueck 

1885 Kent Water Meters founded in London

1894 Westinghouse Electric Company founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

1953 Westinghouse Electricity Metering Division moved to Raleigh, North Carolina

1985 Elster Gas Metering acquired by Ruhrgas

1988 AMCO acquired by Ruhrgas

1990 Westinghouse Electricity Metering Division acquired by ABB

1997 GEC Metering acquired by ABB

2001 Instromet acquired by Ruhrgas

2002 ABB Electric and Water Metering acquired by Ruhrgas to create Ruhrgas Industries, a world leader in metering technology

2003 Ruhrgas acquired by E.On

2005 Ruhrgas Industries acquired by funds advised by CVC Capital Partners

2005 Formation of Elster Group

2007 Elster Group acquires Coronis Systems  

2009 Elster Group acquires EnergyICT

On September 30, 2010, Elster Group became a publicly traded company (NYSE: ELT). 

2012 Elster Group acquired by Mintford AG, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Melrose PLC

2015 Elster Group acquired by Honeywell 



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